Ep125: Edwin Carey

Ep125: Edwin Carey
Dean Jackson & Edwin Carey

Today the More Cheese Less Whiskers podcast, we're talking with Edwin Carey from Texas, and Edwin runs bootcamps, outdoor bootcamps in locations like schools and parks, where people can come and workout outside, in a group environment.

We had a really great conversation about how he can get the word out about the bootcamps and increase the number of people who join, and we really ran gamut of what can we do in the Before, During and After units of your business to market, something that is in a specific location, at a specific time.

Some really great ideas came out of our conversation, and I think you're going to get some great ideas yourself, especially if you're in an area where what you do is particularly appealing to people within a one or two mile radius of where you are.

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Transcript - More Cheese Less Whiskers 125


Dean: Edwin Carey

Edwin: Good morning. How you doing man?

Dean: I'm so good, how are you?

Edwin: I'm good, thank you. Thank you for having me on.

Dean: Well I'm very excited. It took a while didn't it? It's a long list to get on this show.

Edwin: Yeah, better late than never though.

Dean: I'm glad we finally made it happen here. I've got everything, I've got my little notebook here. I've got my bottle of water, I'm fully hydrated and ready to hatch some evil schemes.

Edwin: Good job man, stay hydrated.

Dean: Yeah, let's maybe start with the Edwin Carey story and where we're going to focus today.

Edwin: I'm a trainer, I'm a personal trainer. The main thing I do is lead group workouts outdoors. I work for a company, so I'm a franchise of the company, I guess. We do a lot of promos and stuff during the year. I'm just trying to learn how to better take advantage of times that we're not doing some kind of big promo and just learning how to dominate the space that I'm in. That's what I wanted to talk to you about, because I listen to you guys on I Love Marketing. I've read through the Profit Activators and stuff like that. I was always getting stuck on number one, defining my target market.

Dean: Target market.

Edwin: Until one day I heard Joe say something about it doesn't necessarily have to be a type of person that you're looking for, it could be an area. That made more sense to me, because I'll see who knows how many different types of people on a daily basis. I'm like should I be looking for them or whatever. The whole region, the area part of it made more sense. I'm just trying to learn different ways to take advantage of the spaces that I'm in.

Dean: Perfect. I think that if you have certain locations that you go and do the outdoor workouts and that would be appealing to people, who live within a tight radius of that, is that what you're-

Edwin: Yeah, that's the way my thinking has shifted, not try to find a certain type of person, but try to get to as many people in that small space as I can.

Dean: Right. Okay. How does that work right now? Do you stick with one location and you're doing it constantly or do you do it for a six week period? Do you do a challenge type of thing or is it an ongoing always in the same location or locations?

Edwin: I have about five locations or whatever, they're always going to be in the same spot, same times all that kind of stuff.

Dean: How many people do you have that come?

Edwin: Oh, it really depends, it depends on the location, it depends on the time of the day, it depends on the time of the year. It could be anywhere between maybe 10 up to 50 people at a particular workout. It really depends.

Dean: Is there a constraint on that? Is there a maximum size where you would say, "This class is full?"

Edwin: Not really. Not really. We're multiple trainers out in the area. As more trainers come on that's more locations and opportunities for people to go to. I've been at it for a few years and we didn't have as many teammates at the time. They're limited as far as where they could go. Camps were huge at that time, but then as more trainers have come on people have gone here and there, which is good for them. I really wouldn't say there's a real limit on how many people I would want out there or that can be out there, it's open to however many people show up.

Dean: Okay. How do you get people now? Tell me about one of the locations?

Edwin: I have a location right next to my house pretty much, a dance school in this area. Typically how we will get people out will either be a major promotion that we'll do a few times a year or it'll be through social media trying to get people out or doing events like grocery stores or whatever. Doing things like that.

Dean: Okay. When you say a major promotion, what would that entail?

Edwin: To a degree at the beginning of the year all the members of our camp, they would have an opportunity to invite a friend out for free for the month of January. We'll get a lot of people out that way. That happens a few times a year.

Dean: You're orchestrating some referrals there? So you let them bring a friend for the entire month?

Edwin: Right.

Dean: Only on certain times.

Edwin: That'll happen a few times a year periodically.

Dean: How does that work? Does that work well?

Edwin: It works really well. We're hoping that since they're being encouraged to invite somebody that they know then there'll be a higher likelihood that they will stay. Granted it's a big numbers game. We're shooting for huge amounts of people, so there's always this big influx of people. Of course, we're trying to keep as many as we can.

Dean: Yes.

Edwin: Sometimes I found that there's so many people that it's hard to really get to as many as you want to. I'm finding that there's a magic number in there when it comes to these promos where I want a lot, but I don't want too many.

Dean: That's what I was talking about, if there are any constraints or ideal sizes. I'm just looking at what we're talking about, 50 seems like a big group, more than that may seem unwieldy.

Edwin: Right. I'm thinking if we're talking about a promo and we're talking about what's an ideal number.

Dean: I'm talking about thinking in terms of a full practice. If you've got five locations, but let's just think about one of them at a time because what you're doing in the others is going to be the same thing. Is it the same workout or they have different focuses for the different locations?

Edwin: No, as far as locations they're all the same-

Dean: The same thing.

Edwin: As far as the weeks in the cycle. The weeks have specific focus that we're working on. There's a four week cycle. Week one is one thing, week, two, three, four.  It doesn't vary by location necessarily.

Dean: Right, I got you, so everybody is going to have the same experience. One's not kickboxing focused over here and one's not Zumba or dancing to the oldies or something on the other ones.

Edwin: No.

Dean: It's all the same thing.

Edwin: Right.

Dean: Okay, you're really scaling or syndicating really the same core unit, which would be the single location.

Edwin: Right.

Dean: What I'm trying to get at is what would be the ideal optimal full practice number for that one unit?

Edwin: Are you meaning certain locations draw bigger crowds, certain locations draw smaller crowds because of timing of the day or whatever. Are you wanting to know what the most?

Dean: What would be ideal? What would be like you would say, "This is ideal this is what we've-"

Edwin: Okay, I guess I'll say about 30.

Dean: Okay.

Edwin: Would do for every location that I have.

Dean: Okay, so we've got 150 is the target for a full roster for you?

Edwin: Right.

Dean: That's what you would say?

Edwin: As far as people at a particular workout at one time.

Dean: Oh and then how many workouts do you do at each location?

Edwin: Well each location counts as one workout.

Dean: Yes.

Edwin: That'll happen about twice a week. Really I'm training about 11 hours a week.

Dean: The same people come to both workouts right, it's not two different crews?

Edwin: No. Well, that's the thing. Our campers are free to go to any workout that they want to.

Dean: Got you.

Edwin: They might come to all of my workouts or they might go to me and other trainer’s workouts. They're going wherever they want, that's why the numbers fluctuate so much.

Dean: Got you. Got you. What I'm trying to figure out then is the gap here between what you've got right now and where you want to go. If I was saying that there were five locations and each location has 30 people, basically core people that would be 150 people that are paying active members.

Edwin: Right.

Dean: How many current active paying members do you have across the five locations right now?

Edwin: About 196.

Dean: We did our math wrong then though, so there's more.

Edwin: That's what I'm trying to clarify because there's a difference between the amount of people who are actually at a given camp compared to the amount of people who are actually registered and paying and stuff like that.

Dean: I got you.

Edwin: If we're talking about just the dynamics of a specific hour of working out, then 30 to 40 or whatever, 50 would be the top end of people at an actual location.

Dean: How often do people go to other locations? I was thinking, I remember this where I had a house in Toronto and right around the corner from me in the park there was somebody who was doing these boot camp workouts. If that's the kind of thing, the majority of those people would I'm assuming be from fairly close to that location.

Edwin: It depends.

Dean: If that's their location are they likely to go now to another location five miles away or what?

Edwin: It depends on the timing?

Dean: Or are people pretty much stick to their same one, same time.

Edwin: It depends on the timing because if people are trying to workout multiple times in a day, for example. I might only have a five AM class on a Monday. If they want to work out in the evening, they'll have to go to a different location that's meeting in the evening.

Dean: Got you.

Edwin: It really just depends. Some people are like, "I just want to work out Monday morning at five AM or whatever.

Dean: Okay.

Edwin: They stick to that, it just depends on the person.

Dean: All right. Now let's talk about the promotions or the strategies. You're saying right now the top thing or one of the things is that you allow people to invite people for a whole month.

Edwin: Right.

Dean: Do you ever let people invite somebody for one workout, to come to one thing?

Edwin: Yes, they're always allowed to come to one workout.

Dean: I got you. That seems like a pretty good thing to do at all times. How much of your new business comes from that, referred by other people. If I were to look at this and think about it as your after unit, where you've got the 196 people that are paying right now. How many of the new people that come in are brought in by referral like that?

Edwin: This is just an estimate. I'm going to guess maybe 20 or 25% or something like that.

Dean: What's the other ways that people come in?

Edwin: Mainly through the promotions that we'll do.

Dean: What will that be? Do you do direct mail or Facebook or?

Edwin: Mostly they're online promotions. With that, the company will roll out the promotion. We'll take that and we'll go set up in different places at stores, or events or races or whatever to sell that. That's when the majority of people come in. About four times a year we'll get huge influxes of people. If we're converting well then we'll get a lot of growth from those. Those are fine and they're good, but what I was trying to focus on is how to keep that going when the promotion was not happening so that there's a steady stream of people coming in all the time.

Dean: I think one of the best opportunities is certainly Facebook micro-targeting where within a one mile radius of where you are, where the location is to just constantly be doing that. I would almost give it a slice of life. Do a nice video of what the actual workouts look like and do a straight to camera, a video thing and just do it where people are working out right behind, like you're right in the middle of it. You're saying, "Hey, my name's Edwin and we work out every morning or every whatever right here at the park and why don't you come down and join us, come join us for a free session and see what it's all about." That kind of local where if you have graphics on the thing.

Then that's a cool thing because in a lot of ways I would say, and I don't know where I heard it first, but it always is really a guiding thing for me that my first strategy will always be along the lines of this philosophy that sometimes the best way to sell a horse is with a sign that says, "Horse For Sale." It doesn't require often big marketing. Big marketing ideas. Sometimes that simplicity is the big idea. If you take a one mile or two mile radius, probably one mile for certain, right that somebody could literally walk over there as their warm-up for the workout. They could walk to the park for this or ride their bike to the park for it and do the workout and ride home, but if you're doing that. If you're saturating that area where it's almost like just letting people know, here it is.

Give them a picture, videos of here's what it is. That's almost like a live type of thing there. That I think would be a really good experiment because you can reach those people for so little. I almost treat it like this micro-targeting and these kind of things, I look at it as post card type of mentality. That you're sending a digital post card to their newsfeed. The offer would really just be, "What would you say if we were saying, Horse for sale?" On these things. Let's take that one location. Because this one location is probably in a residential area, surrounded by residential and you probably get a sense of a half a mile in every direction or a mile in each direction, so a two mile radius would be a pretty big scope of homes, of people who lived there. That's your primary target audience for this. Now if you are then even micro-slicing it, who comes to these workouts? Is it men? Is it women? Any specific dominant demographic?

Edwin: A lot of women. The thing about it is men are reluctant to come out because they think, "Oh, it's a bunch of soccer moms or whatever. But when they get out there we actually convert them at a higher percentage.

Dean: Imagine you could do two different videos. You're sending one video, your target audience is women in this thing. You can go by group. If you take this CAT scan perspective on the two mile radius and you've got one video that you do specifically for women and you're making sure in the video that you're showing that you're highlighting the women that are working out. They're working out and they're having a good time and everybody is smiling and laughing and having fun. You're there saying that same thing, "I'm Edwin and we're right here at you're live in Prospect Park or whatever the name of the park is. We do these workouts three times a week or two times a week or every day. How often do you do it in that one location?

Edwin: Three times a week.

Dean: We do three times a week, we're here Monday, Wednesday, Friday, is that how it goes?

Edwin: Right.

Dean: Monday, Wednesday, Friday we're right here at five AM or whatever time. We'd love for you to come by, download this free pass to come and join us for a workout. That would be a really cool thing. The body copy would be the equivalent of Horse For Sale. What's the name of the park where you are?

Edwin: Oh it's actually at a school.

Dean: Okay, a school.

Edwin: It's called Tobias.

Dean: At the school morning boot camps Monday, Wednesday, Friday. We meet every Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Download a free guest pass, come see what we're all about. Maybe something that would be the type of workout or the words that would be appealing to people like filter where it could be low-impact or what are the words that somebody would want for-

Edwin: All fitness levels.

Dean: All fitness levels, yeah amplifiers. Things that are going to make it feel like, "Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's what I want. Yeah, that's what I want. Yeah, that's what I want.

Edwin: Okay. My question is how often and that's been my biggest thing. How often should I put something on Facebook. What should I be talking about?

Dean: I think if you made it like a reality show. What I would be looking at doing is I'd run that one invitation one. The thing what you've got, the Horse For Sale. Invite people down. When everybody who watches the video, you're going to create a custom audience for that, that everybody who watches the video. Now you start just retargeting them and showing them. You could almost create a reality show. Where every week or every two weeks where you're sharing and highlighting results that people are getting.

Edwin: Okay.

Dean: If people are reaching their goals, you celebrate that. You're saying, "Hey, it's Edwin. I'm here with Nancy and Nancy just reached her milestone, she's lost 18 pounds since she started working out here. How do you feel Nancy?" And Nancy is going, "I can't believe how much fun I have here. I've tried everything to lose weight, but this getting in the other with a group of people and making it fun and Edwin, he's great." This whole thing. That whole type of thing that you're highlighting everything. I think that's good because the reality is that it's the same people in that two mile radius. It's not this never-ending parade of new people that you've got the opportunity to.

You just need to continually let these people know that this is there for them and something is going to resonate with them. If you start thinking about what are the types of people. That's why the greatest thing about Facebook, when I mentioned you can have that ad, the Horse For Sale one for women, but you can run the same thing for guys. If there's two or three guys that come to that workout that you can just have the camera angles and have them, where they look like where it's them working out. We're saying, "Hey guys, I know nobody likes to go to the gym. You want to get outside and do stuff and we're right around the corner from you and we work out three times a week. I want you to come down and join us."

Edwin: Okay.

Dean: You have a different appeal to the guys than you do to the girls.

Edwin: Right.

Dean: You're only showing the video, your one audience is men 30 to 55 or whatever. Then you could have another one that if you have people that are older than that you could have one for that older audience. Everybody feels like, "This is me."

Edwin: Right. That's good man.

Dean: That way you've got that whole thing. I think that way you've got the really specific approach to each of the audiences within that geographic area there. Then you can just model that and do it around each of the locations.

Edwin: Yeah. Okay. No. That's good. That's good. All right. Then once I've gotten my Facebook stuff going and I'm pretty regular with that are there any other things that you would do? Because I've always thought about, "Oh well, maybe I could mail stuff to them or whatever."

Dean: Yeah of course.

Edwin: I'm pretty sure they're pretty.

Dean: Certainly you could do that too.

Edwin: That might be cost prohibitive right now, but I don't know, I've never tried it. You tell me.

Dean: Well how much does it cost to be part of the boot camp?

Edwin: It's between 69 to $99 based on how long your commitment is.

Dean: So most people are paying how much?

Edwin: Most are paying the middle ground 79.

Dean: 79 a month. And how long do they stay typically? What's the lifetime value?

Edwin: That's for a year. Oh. The contract is for a year. Those people typically stay on average about 18 months or so.

Dean: Right. You've got $1,500 is the lifetime value of one of them, right? When you look at that though, that's just on that one person. Let's look at that. Would you if you were to say and we could test this because there might be 3,000 homes probably in that broad of an area I would guess. If you were to test the closest homes, a thousand homes in that area and send out, that would cost probably five to $600 to send out. Those you could do at probably a little bit less with TDM, but you're broadcasting a little bit more, but you could pick the right people. You could target your list a little bit with the targeted direct mail, so you could send to women. What's the right age range for you? What's your ideal range?

Edwin: I guess it's right there about 25 to 45, I guess that would be the highest amount of people.

Dean: There you go. You can select out just women, 25 to 45 and send a post card. An invitation they can use this post card as their free pass to come to the workout. It's like an invitation. You could put a specific date range on it for that month, whatever. That, what we've done, this is an interesting innovation that I've just been using Facebook for is we're doing that same thing for realtors where we're mailing post cards into an area with our Getting Listings post cards. Then we're also doing a video, and we're doing micro-targeting, like targeting down to a specific named community of 850 homes. We're only targeting those 850 homes.

We had Diane our realtor go out front of the gate, the entrance to the community and she's saying, "Hi, this is Diane Lightzy reporting live from Lake Ashton and by now you've either seen this post card in your mailbox or you've seen this sign come across your newsfeed talking about how you can get the free December or November 2018 report on Lake Ashton House Prices. Let me tell you a little bit on what's going on in Lake Ashton and just giving them the overview and if you're curious about what your house is worth you can just press this learn more button and I'll send you this report." It shows the whole thing, so it's amplifying the arrival of the post card in their mailbox.

If you did that same thing, you're sending the post cards and then you're doing a video and you're holding the post card and you're saying, "Hey, it's Edwin, I'm the guy that sent you this post card to invite you to come down to the workout here." There's something about when it’s almost like we make it look like a new report. We use the lower thirds and the thing, "Lake Ashton, Breaking News." If you saw that on TV, something that you recognize, you're going to pay attention to that because it's local, it's relevant. If they know that school and there you are reporting live. "Hey, that's right around the corner. That'll have a good impact."

Edwin: No. That's good man. Yeah, that's good. I'm just trying to process all this stuff because if it's not in my head I'm like, I don't know what I'm doing.

Dean: Well the good thing is you can listen to this again and again. That's the thing and we even transcribe it, so you'll get the transcript.

Edwin: Right.

Dean: All of that, when you look at it, if you spend $600 let's say to send a thousand post cards like that and you spend $20. We just spent $20 to amplify that arrival of the post card. We generated, just last week we did this, we ended up with nine leads for $20, so $2.20 each for the leads. It's a pretty good little thing. Considering what we spent that $600 to deliver the thousand post cards to the neighborhood. The $20 to do the ad as an amplifier was really a good investment.

Edwin: Right.

Dean: That really is something you can test and have a really good indication of what's going to work because that's a pretty low-cost way to test a very targeted audience.

Edwin: Yes.

Dean: You're just looking at it as the long-term value of them is $1,500, that's only their long-term value. That's not including that if you have an orchestrated way of tracking and getting them to multiply themselves. What if each of them multiplied into two new people over that 18 months.

Edwin: Right. That would be really tough to get.

Dean: That's how you really have to start thinking about it. It's happening already 25% you said of the people that come in are introduced by somebody else.

Edwin: Yeah that's true, that's true.

Dean: It's just a way of orchestrating it and the referral; I think what I would be looking at is measuring for yourself what your return on relationship is. I don't know whether you've ever heard me talk about that. Right now the asset that you have, the way I would break your business into its before, during and after unit components is that the before unit is everything we're doing, that would be those Facebook ads, the post cards, the promotions, everything you're doing to get a new person to come to their first boot camp. Then the during unit would be everything from the moment they arrive, to getting them involved, getting them signed up. Making sure that they after they have paid their second month kind of thing, I think we would then put them into your after unit, where they're now ongoing for 18 months or longer hopefully, right?

Edwin: Right. Right.

Dean: The metrics that I would be looking for are the return on relationship. If you have of all the people that you have that are actively paying right now that have been there longer than two months, that would be the core of your after unit, plus additionally people who have been there for more than two months, but then stopped. People who left because often you see people cycle in and out, right?

Edwin: Right.

Dean: They may come back. Those kinds of people alumni, we'll call them or resting members. Not past members, but resting members, that portfolio. What we want to look at is what is the return on that relationship? Of all of the people that come in, how many people were introduced by that? If you've got 196 people right now, let's say that 150 of them are after unit people who have been in for at least two months already. That's probably pretty accurate, but if you look at that, what we're looking for is how many people on a monthly basis and certainly on an annual basis are those people referring?

Edwin: Right.

Dean: I would measure those introductions.

Edwin: Okay. That makes sense.

Dean: Because now you're looking at how can you orchestrate them? When you look at it if it's only during the promotions period that you really encourage people to do that, there's I think some lost opportunity in between all of that, that if you're really presencing all of the things.

Edwin: What's that?

Dean: If you're really presencing all of the types of conversations that they're going to be in where this might come up. There's going to be an opportunity for them to orchestrate more referrals.

Edwin: Right. Right. I think I read one of your emails that was talking a little bit about that recently.

Dean: Yeah.

Edwin: Okay.

Dean: Because when you look at it all referrals happen as a result of conversation.

Edwin: Right.

Dean: There these ladies or guys are group to be in a conversation that is somehow either overtly or indirectly peripherally related to working out.

Edwin: Yeah.

Dean: Whether it's working out specifically or whether it's sleep problems or low energy or aches and pains. Those kind of thing really, the things that go around with aging. All of those things if you're presencing all of that and you have maybe all these tools for people if you're saying... Because you've got this captive audience. Maybe once a week you say to people, "Hey, just a quick note before we wrap up. If you hear someone talking about feeling low energy, I've got this new report here called whatever it is, All Day Energy or something like that, that you can give them. Just text me or call me, I'll get you a copy to give them." You're presencing the conversations that they could have. In along with it when they text you or when they call you to get that report. Or a book is even the better thing. If they got that, then every time somebody gets a book along with it, they get an invitation to come to your boot camps.

Edwin: I'm glad you brought that up. I had an idea. It's been done plenty, but I always see the things where, "Yeah, get this free eBook if you give them your email and stuff like that." I've been wanting to write a little, "How to choose a personal trainer or how to choose a workout program or something like that." To do the same thing that, chosen for you recorded message, that type of thing. Try to do that. I was even trying to figure out how I can do that and then basically do what you're saying, give people something that's going to be helpful to educate them or whatever. Whether they choose me or not, they're still benefiting somehow and at least I got their contact information.

Dean: Right.

Edwin: I wanted to run that by you and see what your thoughts were on that?

Dean: My thoughts are how to choose a personal trainer is convincing, it's front-end loaded. It's really, "Here's seven reasons to choose me." That's really what it is because lots of people-

Edwin: No. I mean because like what Joe was talking about. I just want them to make a good choice about who they choose just to clean their carpets, that kind of thing. I'm trying to have that perspective with it, because chances are they might not choose me, but if I can help them figure out what they need, because what we do is not necessarily for everybody. Not everybody should choose to workout with us in that case, but I want to be the one that's saying... I guess like I've heard just, you want to be on their mind. When they think about this, they think about you. That kind of thing, that's what I'm going for.

Dean: I get it. There's a place for it in lead conversion, but as far as lead generation, I want to focus. That's why it's More Cheese, Less Whiskers. I want to focus on what's the cheese they really want. If you're addressing the thing of let's say energy or sleep or whatever the things that would be the presenting complaints that people have that lead them to signing up for a boot camp.

Edwin: Yeah, weight loss, "I'm weak."

Dean: Weight loss, fatigue, energy, sleep. Those kinds of things, what are the problems that people have that this is the solution for? But if there's a way that you can address those things that are really easy for people to consume in a way. It's not, "Choose a personal trainer, it's try these six things for all-day energy."

Edwin: Okay, that makes sense.

Dean: Now if they're saying, "I want energy." Now along with that, now you've got a visible prospect, that's all I'm looking for. It's the difference between Profit Activator two and Profit Activator three. Profit Activator two is compel somebody to raise their hand, and what compels people more than anything is self-interest and the thing that they want, the cheese. What they want is more energy. What the solution is, is to work out with a personal trainer or come to a boot camp, right?

Edwin: Okay.

Dean: You're meeting them where they are, which is the cheese. They want this cheese.

Edwin: Okay. That's good.

Dean: If you laid down two books in front of somebody and one book was called Six Secrets to All-Day Energy or How to Choose a Personal Trainer, which one seems like more the solution that they're looking for?

Edwin: Man, I'm bias, so-

Dean: I know exactly, but you know that that's the way. It's either, it's Oreos and broccoli.

Edwin: Right.

Dean: They want the thing, they want it, but the answer is the broccoli.

Edwin: Okay. That's good. That's good. I like that. Figuring out what the problem is and answering the question how can we be that solution.

Dean: Yes.

Edwin: Okay, that's good.

Dean: Now there's the thing, now that really goes into that now you're really addressing the holistic approach to everything. You're really talking about the end results that people really want, which is they want to look better in their clothes. They want to feel thin or fit. They want to feel strong. They don't want to be tired, they want to get great sleep. All of the things that are the benefits of regular workouts. You're doing that, but now there's also then the opportunity to help them along the way with that. I don't know what you do nutrition-wise or how much if you're doing some educating with people during the workouts or after the workouts or in addition to the workouts. Is there some... because you know you can't out exercise a bad diet. How are you addressing that in this way? We start looking now in that universe. Who else are the people who are aligned with you in that goal of living a healthy, happy lifestyle?

Edwin: Right.

Dean: Are there nutritionists? Are there health food stores? Is there an independent produce store or a butcher or people who you can be the center of, the mayor of this little two mile radius here to introduce all of those people are thinking the same thing. Somewhere there's a butcher, an independent butcher thinking, "How can I reach more people?" If you're positioning it as the choice where they could make an argument. I think you could really go that rather than a supermarket, that getting meat, high quality protein from an independent butcher. If somebody is that way that they could package up specific cuts or programs or things for people who want to eat a great diet.

You get to be the mayor of that whole village. That's really what Profit Activator seven is about nurturing long-term relationships with your clients. All the things, what else are they going to need to really embrace this lifestyle? Your one sliver of it. The workout is one sliver of it. There's so much more in terms of all the things that they're going to need, whether it's massage or chiropractic or acupuncture or all the health related things, supplements, vitamins, protein, produce.

Edwin: No. That makes sense.

Dean: And you thought we were just going to talk about a mail-in or something.

Edwin: Yeah, pretty much. No, I was hoping. I was hoping for different ideas and different ways of approaching that space because I'll listen to you guys and I'll be like, "Man, that sounds so cool, but how do I do it over here." That's why I wanted to talk to you so bad just to see how I can do that as just one person. Knowing that there's other thing going on around this, like I said there are other teammates and they have their own areas. If I could dominate this one mile around each of my spaces, then I'd be doing well and the same thing for everybody else.

Dean: Absolutely. Yes.

Edwin: I was hoping for more of that.

Dean: Yes. That's awesome. It would probably be a good time to recap, review here what you heard and what we can build a little action plan for you here.

Edwin: Okay. You want me to tell you what I-

Dean: Yeah. Yeah, how did all this land? What do you think that's the things out of it?

Edwin: The whole one mile radius was helpful, because that really shrinks down where I even need to be spending a lot of my time. That's helpful. I know the neighborhoods around my locations, that helps me to stay focused right there. I like the live video ideas, though I hate being on camera. But I like the idea of when there's a celebration, somebody hit a milestone, those kind of things and doing those live as well as periodically doing the, "Hey, this is what we're doing video and targeting those neighborhoods or whatever. I like that. Then thinking a little bit down the road as far as the mailers because I want to skim through that a little bit. But I think I would at some point want to do some mailing. Again just in that one mile space.

I feel like that would be saturating that area, instead of trying to go all across town and hit as many people as I can or whatever. Just staying right there in that specific space. Then really trying to measure those relationships where I got somebody new and I capitalized on their excitement about just starting a new program and having them refer somebody. Then the same thing with each referral. That's where it breaks down. I might get one and they might refer one more person or whatever. Then keeping track of that new person even if they get one more person and that process. Just really tracking that better for myself.

Dean: Do you have a CRM that has referral tracking that you can see a family tree on everybody?

Edwin: Not so much. The extent right now is if a new person comes out, we can see who immediately referred them, but it doesn't necessarily go past that.

Dean: Okay. As I said if you will check out GoGoClients.com because that's the CRM that has referral tree tracking so you can see, and the lifetime value of somebody. It's cool when it gets three or four levels deep, that you can see that this person has referred three people, but they were referred by two people up. That's really a cool function for organizing everything like that. Really looking at your system and it's got all the auto-reponders and landing pages and things that you would need for that, for doing the post cards and offering the books and doing all of the stuff where people can even text their email to get the things. That's my program and it's designed specifically for that before, during, after model.

Edwin: That's good.

Dean: That's a tool that you can use because one of the things that might be cool for you is if you start looking at that one mile like one or two miles.  I think probably two miles is, because that's from the center from where the school is. One mile in each direction, would be a two mile total radius, right?

Edwin: Yeah.

Dean: That seems like that would be the perfect size sort of thing so everybody who's a mile away from this is from a 360 degree perspective. That will be really very valuable too, is to take the data, the addresses, the names of referrals existing clients and create a Google Map layer that drops a pin where they live so you can see the penetration. Then when somebody is responding or asks for one of the books you can say, "Hey, you're neighbors with Mary. Mary comes down to the boot camps."

Edwin: I didn't even know that was possible.

Dean: Yeah.

Edwin: That's cool.

Dean: That's why you're here. There you go. You learn something new every day.

Edwin: That is why I'm here.

Dean: Yeah, but if you have their name and their address, you can export that file and then create a custom Google Map layer that drops a pin.

Edwin: Okay. Okay.

Dean: And you can see that whole mile radius and see where everybody is. It's pretty neat.

Edwin: Okay. Yeah, that is pretty neat, that scholarship. That sounds helpful.

Dean: All right. I think we got an action plan for you, for sure.

Edwin: Yeah.

Dean: I think when you listen again you're going to hear it differently, because I know your brain was racing as you were listening to it too.

Edwin: Oh I was writing stuff down.

Dean: It's hard to take it all in, but there you go.

Edwin: That's really helpful man. Thank you for having me. I appreciate you taking the time to talk to me.

Dean: Awesome. I'm very excited. Thanks for coming on.

Edwin: No problem, man. You have a good one.

Dean: Thanks Edwin. You too. Bye-bye.

Edwin: All right.

Dean: And there we have it. Another great episode. I always enjoy the conversations when we get to cover all of the bases. We get to talk about the before unit and narrowing your focus and really just constraining to that two mile radius for any local business is really something. We're in the golden, golden, golden age of target marketing where we can now with Facebook speak only to the people that we really want to speak to. We can target a message that's specifically for them, whether it's men, whether it's women, whether it's an age, whatever it is, being able to target your message makes a huge difference. I'm very excited that we got to have that conversation.

If you want to see how the Eight Profit Activators really are working in your business right now, then just go to ProfitActivatorScore.com and try our Profit Activator Scorecard. It'll give you a good overview of the mindsets of each of the eight Profit Activators and give you a good indication of where the strengths are for your business right now and where the weaknesses are, so where you have the best opportunity. Try that out right now, ProfitActivatorScore.com. If you'd like to be a guest on the show and we can talk about your business, go to MoreCheeseLessWhiskers.com. You can download a copy of the More Cheese, Less Whiskers book. If you click on the Be A Guest link, that will take you to an area where you can tell me a little bit about your business and then maybe we can get together and hatch some evil schemes for you. That's it for this week. Have a great week and I will talk to you next time.