Today on the More Cheese Less Whiskers podcast, we're talking with Derek Menchan from right here in Central Florida. He's a bassist and classically trained cellist who's worked with many great artists and producers, and we had a great conversation about the opportunities musicians have today.
He's also a college professor, and we talk about some of the ways students and artists approach marketing their music. He's currently working with artists who think commerce taints the art somehow, so we looked at all the ways to authentically build an audience.
Derek's a great guy to chat with, and talking about his new project and the lessons he's picked up in the music business is a great way to think about the 8-profit activators.
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Today on the More Cheese Less Whiskers podcast, we're talking with Matthew Coast from Austin, Texas.
You might remember Matthew as a guest on the show a few years ago. He runs a successful dating business, helping women find committed relationships, and today we're checking back in to see how his company has grown since we last spoke.
It's great to hear about the changes he's made, which offers have worked well, and the indicators he started seeing that made him realize it was time to start expanding options.
Matthew's great to talk with, and I love that we get to check back in to get an update from the field.
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Today on the More Cheese Less Whiskers podcast, we're talking with Greg 'the moose-man' Johnson from Bear Mountain Quest in Michigan, where he owns and runs a pretty unique hog hunting experience.
He's been a member of our Email mastery group for some time, so I've got to work with him on email campaigns before, and today was a great opportunity to dive deeper into what's working and what's been a challenge.
We spent some time talking about the difference between fans, those people interested in following what he's doing, and the customers willing to pay to be a part of it.
Greg has a great story. He's passionate about his business and the people who come to experience the hunt, and we got chance to narrow in that audience, and the right offers to make to them.
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Today on the More Cheese Less whiskers podcast, we're talking to my friend Dan Martell from British Columbia, Canada, we've known each other for about 6 years now. We have a similar approach to business and the vision to create a lifestyle.
Dan runs SaaS Academy, one of the largest coaching companies for software and high-speed ventures and he's invested or consulted in companies like Hootsuite, Udemy, and many other billion-dollar companies.
He has a new book called Buy Back Your Time and we got to talk about the important lessons he has learned in his 20 years in business, finding your ideal customer and making sure that you meet their demand.
This is a great episode as we dive into building business frameworks, going upstream, and discovering who your customer is.
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Today on More Cheese Less Whiskers, we're talking with Andre Norman, mentor and renowned "Ambassador of Hope".
His story is a journey in turning your life around. From illiteracy and gang activity as a child to more serious crime as an adult, he was eventually sentenced to over 100 years in prison, where during his two-year stay in solitary confinement, he had an "epiphany," and he decided to make a change.
Andre is the example of something I've been thinking about a lot recently. What would happen if you applied yourSELF. Your Sphere Energy Leadership and Finances.
This was the perfect opportunity to dive into the idea and hear from someone who's done just that.
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Today on the More Cheese Less Whiskers podcast, we're talking with Tyler Dawley, a 4th generation organic chicken farmer from Big Bluff Ranch in Red Bluff, California.
Tyler's business is a bit different from our usual guests. He joined our world after watching a call I did with a group of organic, direct-to-consumer farmers earlier this year.
He's passionate about his business but recognizes that Manny farmers are producers first and think about getting to customers second. He's making the most of all the opportunities we talk about to close that gap and talk directly to customers.
This was a great show. I'm always excited to see the 8-profit activators being applied to all sorts of businesses & Tyler & I hatched some great chicken plans - pun intended ;)
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Today on the More Cheese Less Whiskers podcast, we're talking with my great friend, Joe Stumpf. Joe & I have known each other for more years than I can remember. We spent a decade on the road together, and now he's created a process work called Private Work, teaching people how to be their own coach.
In more than 40 years of coaching and working with people in many different capacities, Joe discovered that most people have all the answers within themselves. The challenge, the work, is to discover it.
As he says, 'You can help them with an action plan, help them get some clarity, but unless they discover the answer themselves, the likelihood of them taking action is slim.' That's where Private Work comes in.
This is a great conversation & Joe's passion for guiding people through the process to let people discover their insights and tap into their resourcefulness really shows.
No matter what business you're in, this idea of helping people reach a conclusion is a great lesson.
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Today on the More Cheese Less Whiskers Podcast, we’re talking with Billy Bishop, owner of Top Flight Electric, right here in Winter Haven.
You might remember we spoke a few weeks ago about nurturing the relationships he already has, and today we took that a step further by looking at how taking responsibility for the breaker panel in a client’s home could develop that relationship even further.
When we find other related parts of managing homes, there's an opportunity to add even more value for these homeowners by thinking in terms of homes under management.
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Today on the More Cheese Less Whiskers podcast we're talking with Aaron McRann from Penticton BC, and Aaron has a really neat product that helps people with wrist pain, to do bodyweight exercises, push ups, and things like that without any pain.
This came out of a personal issue he was having and he figured out a way, with some ingenuity, to create these pushup blocks that allowed him to do pushups and body weight exercises without any pain.
Now the issue is how do we get those in front of people who have this type of pain.
This is a little bit of a different episode than we normally have because it's with someone with a physical product that solves one specific issue.
We had a really great conversation and we went through the Before Unit profit activators and how we would approach this idea of solving all the wrist pain in the world by starting with all the wrist pain in Kentucky and BC.
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Today on the More Cheese Less Whiskers podcast I want to share a classic with you.
This show started as a way to share the 8-Profit Activators with more people in a way that really helps them... an 'all cheese' conversation, and it was an idea that really started after one of the early shows I recorded with my good friend Joe Polish on the I Love Marketing Podcast.
Way back in episode 7 we recorded a yellow pages roulette show where we opened up the yellow pages, randomly picked a business & talked about all the ways we'd market that company if we were talking to the owner face to face.
It's still the show people ask me about... If it works in the yellow pages, why not talk to business owners directly. Now 228 episodes later, it's still one of my favorite things to do.
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