Ep229: Start the First Group with Aaron McRann

Today on the More Cheese Less Whiskers podcast we're talking with Aaron McRann from Penticton BC, and Aaron has a really neat product that helps people with wrist pain, to do bodyweight exercises, push ups, and things like that without any pain.

This came out of a personal issue he was having and he figured out a way, with some ingenuity, to create these pushup blocks that allowed him to do pushups and body weight exercises without any pain.

Now the issue is how do we get those in front of people who have this type of pain.

This is a little bit of a different episode than we normally have because it's with someone with a physical product that solves one specific issue.

We had a really great conversation and we went through the Before Unit profit activators and how we would approach this idea of solving all the wrist pain in the world by starting with all the wrist pain in Kentucky and BC.

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Ep228: The Original Yellow Pages Roulette

Today on the More Cheese Less Whiskers podcast I want to share a classic with you.

This show started as a way to share the 8-Profit Activators with more people in a way that really helps them... an 'all cheese' conversation, and it was an idea that really started after one of the early shows I recorded with my good friend Joe Polish on the I Love Marketing Podcast.

Way back in episode 7 we recorded a yellow pages roulette show where we opened up the yellow pages, randomly picked a business & talked about all the ways we'd market that company if we were talking to the owner face to face.

It's still the show people ask me about... If it works in the yellow pages, why not talk to business owners directly. Now 228 episodes later, it's still one of my favorite things to do.

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