Ep226: Email Mastery

Today on the More Cheese Less Whiskers podcast I've got something special I'd love for you to hear.

Two or three years ago, I was running full-page ads in Success Magazine telling about 'The Amazing Nine-Word Email That Revives Read Leads'. I was experimenting with a new approach to engaging with people who would respond to the ad, and it was really interesting because people who responded would call the ad, an article.

I've posted the article in the show notes so you can see what I was doing, but the amazing thing was, we ran that ad for several months and averaged a 68% opt in on the landing page. This was cold traffic from a magazine ad, and what was even more amazing was that we would get over 40% engagement once people responded and left their name and email address.

I used a very simple sequence to engage with people who requested a copy of the Email Mastery book.

After they received a copy I'd invite people to get together with me on the phone to brainstorm some of their nine-word emails and subject lines. We would have group calls just like the very first one I'm going to share with you today, and you can see the landing page at emailmastery.com so you can reverse-engineer the process to see how it works.

What was amazing to me was hearing people I've never met before, coming on and sharing the results they were getting with the nine-word email they read about in my 'article' in Success Magazine.

There are lots of lessons to deconstruct here I want you to hear this because I'm going to deconstruct the process and share with you exactly how you can apply it to your business.

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Ep219: Happy Energy with Tim Organ

Today on the More Cheese Less Whiskers Podcast, we have a special treat.

Usually, when I have people on the podcast, I don't know them, it's the first time I'm getting to know what they're working on, but today I've got my good friend, Tim Organ.

Tim is married to another good friend, JJ Virgin. I was at their house for dinner just after Christmas, we were talking about energy and focus and all those things you think about to get an edge on the New Year, and Tim gave me some supplements he had been working on as part of a top-secret project.

Well, now his project, his edge performance pack, is available.

It's a really great combination I've been taking since then that gives clarity and focus. What's great about it is the energy I get is what I call a 'happy energy,' rather than the amped-up feeling you might get from a caffeine-type supplement. It just helps to stay focused and clear.

So, Tim and I are going to talk about the launch of his new supplement, and I'm excited for you to hear the brainstorming of the idea and hopefully give you a chance to experience this for yourself.

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Ep218: James Schramko 2021 Pt2

This week on the More Cheese Less Whiskers podcast, we're continuing the conversation I had with my good friend James Schramko.

Last week we focused on what was happening with James on that side of the planet; this week, I bring James up to speed on everything I've been doing.

It was a great conversation, including piggybacking business models, measuring success, and... how to start a makeup business!

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